Saturday 22 January 2011


Hi there,

It's been a long while since my last blog (does this sound uncannily like a confessional speech?). Well the truth is I haven't been fishing for quite some time but in the hope of righting a wrong, I'm both writing and fishing again:)

Although it may seem like madness to be going fishing so early on in the year, that's my full intention (and plenty of it too). My thinking behind this decision centres of the theory that if I can catch in the freezing temperatures and get some early practice in, it must surely stand to reason that the milder months will seem like a stroll in the park. Hopefully, by which time, I shall have overcome some of my worst habits such as snagging in trees, casting with no apparent accuracy and being generally clumsy.

In preparation for my forthcoming jaunt to the local fishery, I have prepared a mix of groundbait consisting of red crumb, ground hemp, ground halibut pellet and fish meal. Ground hemp is a firm favourite of mine already as it fizzes up in the water and, even though I know nothing of the science of it all, my female logic assumes this may increase the prospect of grabbing some fishy attention. In addition to this, I bought a pint of maggot last week and as the torrential downpours and persistent untamed winds prevented my using them, a friend suggested I freeze them and use them in my groundbait mix at a later date. Being quite the novice, and willing to accept any advice that comes my way, this is what I intend to do.

Having only caught a hybrid roach (see the piccie?) on my first expedition of the year, I'm looking forward to getting out there and wetting my net with something a bit more substantial, although at the moment I'm happy to catch anything better than a rusty tin can or clump of weed.

Fishing in winter can be hard going and I have been advised by a lifelong fisherman who knows his stuff to feed little and often, fish in the deeper water on the bottom and in the sunnier spots. This is because fish tend to feed less enthusiastically during winter months and the deeper waters with sunnier areas are a couple of degrees warmer which the fish like and will increase the success rate of catching. Bearing this in mind, I will give it my best shot and see what happens. Oh, and I was told to fish in the same spot but knowing my aim that may be a little harder to achieve.

The main aim is to enjoy the experience, so with this as a priority, I'm looking forward to a new year filled with fishing frolics and fun:)

Might I also thank all the guys at http://www.breaking for their fantastic forum (which is second to none) and invaluable friendly encouragement and advice... You're the best!!!!

All that's left to do now is try and get some sleep (which is easier said than done as I'm getting pretty giddy and silly about it all) and get going tomorrow.

Tight Lines

Ladyhooker :)