Monday 2 November 2009


One of the first things to consider before you begin fishing is what equipment you will need. Not wishing to run before I could walk, I bought some basic essentials. All of the following items were very inexpensive and as I mentioned in my previous blog I am lucky enough to have an experienced angler to both advise and ,if need be, lend me some of the items I required. The list (below) includes the basic tackle needed to begin catching fish and a rough idea of clothing because nobody in their right mind would fish in British weather without making some kind of provision for it. So here's the list:

Rod & reel, 3lb line, floats, disgorger, forceps, small tackle box (for keeping those bits and bobs in), net, shot, hooks (size 18 & 16), unhooking mat (not usually required for smaller fish but always handy in case you get extremely lucky on your first trips), bait box (maggot tub with aired lid), fishing umbrella, chair.

The type of clothing needed really depends on the weather but a pair of sensible boots with socks are important all year round as they provide comfort and a waterproof jacket is a good idea for obvious reasons. There are many types of specialist clothing you might wish to purchase but as a beginner there's little point in going to the expense of kitting yourself out when you may decide after your first few trips that fishing simply isn't for you. Have a rummage around wardrobes and drawers and see what you find is one of the best pieces of advice I can offer. Muted colours are said to be less likely to make fish wary from their vantage point and layering clothes rather than sporting one item (especially above the waist) ensures you keep warm or are able to remove some should you become overheated.

So there you have the basics but always remember some of the equipment varies dependent on the type of fish you intend to catch. I was looking to net small coarse such as perch, Skimmer Bream, Roach or small carp (under 10lb). If you are looking to catch other varieties and larger fish you should always research before you commence which prepares you as much as possible for potential eventualities.

When you have the things you need, the next thing you need to do is find a suitable place to fish and plan your adventure (see post entitled 'Planning, Preparing and fishing loction').

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